To Rony, You are sure to recognize Alma, but just in case...third from left, front row.
I am second from left, second row (chubby Irish girl) Elsa was in the other sixth grade, so no picture of her....
I am second from left, second row (chubby Irish girl) Elsa was in the other sixth grade, so no picture of her....
we were all sure that our teacher, Miss Ryder had a crush on the principal, Mr. Carey...he was handsome. I think the bow on Alma's outfit says that she did it herself and probably wouldn't take any help.
The picture of her upside down on her bed reading is a riot! Still haven't found the cheerleading jump picture but thanks to tryng to find it for you. I have read over wonderful notes and reveiwed many pictures from my past! So, thanks for that.
The yearbook note refers to "Indians" and I think that was an episode when a bunch of us went to the Schwarz's summer house in Hanson, MA. We were maybe 14...In the middle of the night we all went skinny dipping and jumped off their raft on the lake in front of the house. We heard noises in the woods and Alma tried to convince us that there were still Indians living on the lake. We were terrified and all ran very quickly back into the house! It was probably a bunch of boys spying on us from the boys' camp nearby!
Penelope Kirk