Hi Rony,
I feel compelled to write to you as I knew Alma. We used to take classes together at Madame Ana Roje's studio in Boston many years ago. She always had a special place in my heart and I am saddened that she has left us.
I have one photo from the studio of her. And It is possible that another Dancer, Steffi Moy may have others as Steffi's mother took many photos at the studio. I will be happy to scan it and send you a copy. Alma told me about the Kibbutz but I didn't know she had a son. The irony, for me is that having looked through old photos, organizing them and making albums for my children I decided to try to find some of my old friends. So far I have located several and when I did a search for Alma Schwartz I saw your page.
I wish I had known her whole story as I also have given up a son, but I have never been allowed to contact him. This was in Denmark in 1963, I also left a letter for him in their files. In Denmark all adoptions were closed. he can look for me, my children can look for him, but I can't. I emigrated to Boston in late '63, Frank was born in April. Either he does not know he is adopted or he may have no interest in looking for me.
Being much interested in the same things Alma was, basically living a spiritual life , and our other commonalities I wish I hadn't lost touch with her.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting your story. It has touched me deeply. At least you found each other in time.
Many blessings, Shalom...
Lisi Hoff
Erving, MA
Erving, MA